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- Typical mode of transportation around a station.
- Local gas station.
- The light was still on!
- Fox feeding time.
- Relatively tame foxes
- Ready for feeding.
- On the prowl.
- Original “Snowmobile.”
- Brian (Simon) Jeffrey relaxing.
- Recording and reporting weather.
- C-46 cockpit.
- Aligning the Lateral system
- Typical “tech” work.
- Wilcox ADF beacon transmitter.
- 300 foot tower.
- CAM-D’s Dopplar tower.
- Old beacon building.
- Frosted up ADF antenna.
- Welcome home!
- We had to move the ADF beacon from a tent to the main modules at CAM-D
- Brian J with the beacon transmitter.
- Safely inside the building.
- Bill Wands, CAM-D Station Chief.
- R. Cote, chef & cook’s helper.
- CAM-D chef & crew.
- R. Cote, CAM-D chef.
- Cook’s helper
- CAM-D module train.
- Lyall Lalonde
- An incredible view!
- Unusual wildlife.
- Idle hands at work!
- CF-HNG pilot, Oli Sinberg.
- This helicopter was our lifeline to FOX-3 and brought in all our supplies.
- This is the aircraft that took me North for the first time in July 1960.
- The aircraft that took me North in 1960 is still flying today. A real workhorse.
- Luxury air travel it wasn’t!
- As part of my Sector Crew duties, I was responsible for the FOX sector’s air/ground radios at each station.
- A/G receivers.
- This unit allows the Aux site to communicate with the associated I-site.
- The aligning of the lateral system was abig monthly affair. The lateral sysem was our station-to-station communications system.
- CAM-D power panels.
- Dopplar receivers at CAM-4.
- I’m checking the transmitter for a noisy signal.
- Lyall (Dusty) Lalonde.
- Typical Aux station recreation area.
- Notice the fox and two glasses on the bar design – FOX-2
- FOX-Main antenna farm.
- FOX-Main lower camp.
- FOX-3 lower camp & airfield.
- Night shot.
- Frost covered radome.
- CAM-4 crew, Xmas 1960.
- Refueling an unusual visitor.
- Brendon Spratt relaxing awaiting a flight out.
- Ice fishing.
- Typical air travel.
- Typical air travel.
- Klystron replacement time.
- Replacing a klystron.
- Replacing a klystron.
- The klystyron.
- Destroying secret klystron.
- Sealift landing craft.
- Frosty lateral antenna.
- Lateral antennas
- Passing time playing chess.
- Emily and I were distine to cross paths a number of times during my time on the Line.
- Emily and Mother
- Emily and mother (Margarette) and Dad (Peter).
- Look’s lonely out there.
- Map showing DEW, Mid-Canada, and Pinetree warning lines.
- The sun never rises in winter.
- Typical transport
- Ingenuity at work!
- CAM-4
- My first home away from home.
- Father Vanderveld, Pelly Bay Mission, 1960.
- There were almost a 100 of us in a huge igloo for Xmas services.
- Pelly Bay Mission 1960.
- This bear is dangerously close to the station, too close, and action has to be taken.
- The hunt is on.
- It was the station Inuit, not me, who did the dastardly deed.
- We weren’t always this relaxed when on duty.
- As a member of the Sector Crew, I got to put my butt wherever I wanted. 🙂
- Paul Kelley at work.
- Paul Kelley.
- FOX-Main
- RCMP & dog team.
- Winter light.
- CAM-D lower camp view.
- Stevenson Screen
- Stuck D-4 bulldozer.
- Frost covered lateral antenna.
- Thanksgiving spread at FOX-1
- Thanksgiving spread
- View from FOX-C.
- Typical bedroom.
- Typical bedroom
- Typical bedroom.
- Early morning frost.
- Wind-driven frost.
- Unknown main station somewhere.
- Airlift time at CAM-D
- Unloading fuel drums.
- Unloading fuel.
- Pushing weather limits had its consequences as you can see with this C-46, CF-HEI, at CAM-F.